Cathi Garcia's St Norbert School Youth Club Card - Prayer

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The back of Cathi's Youth Club Mmebership Card, and the prayer.

Youth Club Card - Back
              CYO PRAYER
O Lord Jesus Christ, the divine Youth
    of Nazareth, I salute you!

As a CYO member I take You dear
    Jesus, for my model.  Grant that as
    am American youth of today, I may
    have the courage to follow You,
    and thus "grow in wisdom, and
    age, and grace with God and men.

Bless me, O Jesus that, I may be Your
    devoted young apostle--a promoter
    of charity, a fighter for justice, a
    crusader for the Church, a follower
    of authority, and explorer of know-
    ledge, a trainer in self-discipline,
    and a champion of purity.

As a soldier of Christ and a child of
    Mary, I stand ready to serve You,
    O Divine Youth of Nazareth.

                  Alexander M. Zaleski
                  Vic. Gen. Detroiten
                  October 7, 1958